Saturday, July 9, 2011

Alex Post

In Lauren Oliver's Delirium our boy Alex works as a guard protecting the boarders around Portland, which is sort of ironic, considering he's the thing they try to keep out. Alex is an Invalid, and uncured from the dun dun dunnn Wilds.

What is there to say about Alex Sheaths….he is the perfectest boy ever! With golden brown hair that looks like autumn leaves and amber eyes that can look right into you, he is stricking to look at. Alex has carmel colored skin (yum!) and the whitest teeth you’ll ever see (and you will be seeing them a lot because this boy is all smiles.) But it’s not the smile that'll make you swoon it’s his lips, his perfect, perfect lips. The lips he tends to chew on the corners of..... talk about distracting.

Speaking of distracting... our Alex (pretend he has amber eyes!)...

AND BAM I bet you're feeling like this now...

I know, I know... those eyes, that body, that FACE. UNF. Don't you wish you had an Alex now too?

His voice alone is enough to make you melt, low & hypnotic like a song. And his laugh is loud, bright and musical. *sighs* don’t we love a boy who can laugh.

Alex can also be very sarcastic and he likes to tease Lena, but in an adorable way. Yeah, that’s just the right word to describe Alex, adorable. He likes to read poetry (awww), will remember the very first thing he ever hears you say (double awww) and is an amazing listener.

Lena tells her deepest fears, desires, and secrets to Alex and he just listens. When she’s unhappy he tries to make her laugh, when she cries he rubs soothing circles on her back. eeep! He's the type of guy that will be there for you no matter what, because he needs someone just the same.

Alex hides his past from Lena the first time they meet....because he is scared of being rejected by the only person he cares most about. Behind Alex’s neck right behind his ear is the three-pronged scar that marks him as cured. Only he’s not. and the only person he's upfront and honest with about it is Lena. He tells her everything including how he hated it in Portland, craved the freedom (still does) and how he even used to .…..cry...because he missed the wilds. (a boy who CRIES!! Can I get a triple awww!)

He would do anything to make Lena happy, even if it means sacrificing his own freedom so she can have it. He risks a lot for Lena all through out the story, and If you’ve read Delirium you know Alex *SPOILER* would literally take a bullet for his woman & that also makes him pretty noble.

Vote for Alex because if you do he’ll come over light candles, read poetry and knock out the roof of your house so you can lie under the stars together!

Best one liner:

“Everyone is asleep. They’ve been asleep for years. You seemed…..awake.” Alex is whispering now. He closes his eyes, opens them again, “I’m tired of sleeping.”

Sweetest Nice Guy:

“Why do you care?” I say, barely a whisper

“I told you,” he whispers back. I can feel his breath just tickling the skin space behind my ear, making the hair prick up on my neck. “I like you.”

“You don’t know me.” I say quickly

“I want to though.”

*sighs *

Over all favorite: He reads poetry.

Change My Mind:

He reads poetry. ;)

I hope we made you sweat like James McAvoy up there or at least made you "awwweee"! And who are we you ask? Well, it's Brooke from Brooke-Reports && Jena from Shortie-Says! :D

ALSO - If you head on over to Shortie Says - I'm giving away a copy of Delirium!

Thank you all so much! And well... VOTE FOR ALEX :D